SCX24 Deadbolt Update
Put the SCX24 Deadbolt on the wheel scale today. Turned out noise heavy which is good. Had a little more nose weight than the C10.
I took the cage off to weigh it, 6.4g btw. They must have run out of white paint the day they painted the white in my body or maybe it was the end of the day and a rush job. Any way there wasn’t much paint and you could see the red through it. With the cage off there were only 2 more screws to remove the back hinge. So I took them out, taped off the outside of the body. Sprayed silver on the inside. After drying I covered the silver with black. My red look much better now.
I want to try and get the tray for the electronics a little lower to help with CG so I pulled the extra one I had out to get some measurements off it. I got to looking at it and the one in the Deadbolt and the mounting tabs were much longer. Took the existing tray out and put the other one in it’s place. It sat about 5mm lower. The servo wouldn’t quite clear it so I started hacking ion it. I finally came up with something that would work.
I ended uo filing a rib off the transmission so the rx/esc could sit just a tad further back. I test drove it after I finished and it seemed much less tipsy.
Before mod
After mod
This all transpired while I was waiting for the mailman to arrive with the Fullsend wheel weights. They weighed in at 9g each for a total of 36g low weight.
Weight after adding weights to all 4 wheels. The front to back is 55/45 not the 5/45 shown. Sometimes not all the numbers on the scale show in photos.
Made a quick run with it on my indoor track and it handled much better.