Project Mockingbird on US65
I have a 65mm tiny whoop that started life as a US65 but really is now a custom with the US65 name. It has a Meatec411RX FC, SE0802 22000kv motors, 4 blade Gemfan props, Wolfwhoop AIO camera with a BetaFPV Caddex EOS canopy.
Decided to try Project Mockingbird for the Mobula6 on it, which is now using Emuflight instead of Betaflight because it has some features in it for Whoops were as betaflight is more for 5″. I’ve tried PMB before but didn’t really like it on anything I tried it on including the US65. I believe this was because it had Patrick Clark’s rates which were more for racing. My indoor space is to small for a racing tune, I need a cruising gap shooting tune. The PMB project for the Mobula6 is still in beta but is still pretty flyable. The bad this is that all the chatter about it is on FB at least that is where Patrick hangs out to help and answer questions. It was stated that the base tune was a little twitchy but he also had suggestions for make it less twitchy if you didn’t like it.
I put PMB on my US65 it it flew okay but not really the feel I like, it handled pretty good but was twitchy and floaty too. Using Patrick’s suggestions I have it flying pretty but it’s still just a little floaty. I’ve been tweaking then flying then tweaking some more. I think now I just need to fly several packs without making any changes to get a good feel for it, which is hard to do when you are changing something on every flight. Been doing this all with 350 mah GNB 1s lipos with BT2.0 connectors.