Gunman @ Ft Leonard Wood
Seems some Nimrod with an AK-47 tried to get on the base at Ft Leonard Wood according to reports after being denied entrance he ran the gate and then 5 minutes later left by the main gate.
So my question is are our military bases that easy to gain entrance to and even worse that easy to exit. When he broke through the 1st gate the entire base should have been locked down. I even have an issue that all they did was chase him when he entered the base. Why in the hell didn’t he guards shoot the bastard? Don’t get me wrong here I’m not blaming the personal at the gate. I’m blaming the morns that are running the country, wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling. What has to happen for these jackasses to wake up?
So instead we chase this jackass all over Phelps county while he was firing the AK-47 at police. Where were all the Cobra or Apache helicopters? They could of blow him right off I44 before he got to Rolla or stole a car and possibly harm someone. He busted a military base for Gods sake, isn’t that an act of war?