Charging 1s lipos is a pain, they typically last 3 minutes give or take so you can go through some batteries flying in an afternoon. Charging them 1 or 2 at a time is a pain and takes forever. If been charging them either parallel or serial which is better as you can charge 6 at a time. Serial you have to have 6 batteries with the same capacity and about the same state of discharge. With parallel you charge up to 6 of the same capacity and discharge state.
Picked up a UP-S6AC which charges 6 1s batteries the difference being is that it charges each battery independently so they can be any capacity or discharge state. It will charge both Lipos and LIHVs and at the same time. I set it to .3a charge rate which shouldn’t hurt any of the batteries I have, it can be set from .1a to 1.0a the charge rate is the same across all 6 ports. After testing it to be sure it was operating correctly I modified it to charge my batteries with the new BT2.0 connectors. It has on each port a micro Losi, PH1.25, PH2.0 & Jst (converted to BT2.0).
I can’t figure out why I waited so long to buy one of these chargers at $27.99 from RaceDayQuads it was well worth it. Don’t think my iCharger Duo 410 will be getting much use when it comes to 1s batteries.