Turned out to be an interesting afternoon. Was out flying the Shutterbug85 on the 2nd battery I was doing rolls & got it bouncing off tree limbs. Finally came to rest on a limb, disarmed, armed hoping to be able to fly out of harms way. Instead it hit the ground upside down & would not turtle over. 😩 Walked down towards the back end of the yard. Luckily when I built it I put a beeper on it, so I could flip a switch & hear it. Went back to the house to look at the video to get a better idea of where it was, no video the sad card wasn’t all the way in. 😞
Went back down & looked some more, still nothing, so I decided I needed to go down it the creek to look for it, so back to the house to get my hiking boots & Jackie. Gave Jackie the radio & I went down in the creek. From down there it sounded like it was on top. Kept having her trip the beep & I chased the noise. Finally decided it was coming from the other side of the creek so I started climbing the far bank. She beeped I listened finally I was getting closer. Finally saw it laying on it’s back against a tree. Getting out of the creek sucks so I decided to walk the fence looking for a way over or through. Down between the 2 strip centers I found a gate. So I started waking back. Got to Steak n Shake & my sweet wife turned the corner to pick me up. Hope I don’t go through that again. At least I found it. 😊