Memorial Day Commemoration AL 11/12th District May 28, 2011
This morning we went downtown to Soldier’s Memorial for the American Legion 11/12th District Memorial Day Commemoration. At the same time in front of Soldier’s Memorial they were having Rib Fest which is a fund raiser for the city and reportedly Soldier’s Memorial. It’s amazing to watch and listen to people walking by and making all kinds of racket, which is just rude to start with. What really got my goat was the people that just kept talking and walking while the National Anthem was playing. Anytime I hear it I stop what I’m doing and salute. How hard is it to take a couple of minutes our of your busy day and put your hand over your heart when it plays. Maybe they need to read the origin of the Star Spangled Banner it might make them stop and think, well maybe not.
I blame this on their upbringing, when I was young I was taught to respect the flag, both at school & at home not to mention what I learned in the Boy Scouts. We said the Pledge of Allegence every morning at school. Now we don’t as it might hurt someone feelings. TO BAD!
The guys and gals that we were honoring today died so these people could act like jackasses
Below are some photos that I took at the Memorial Day Commemoration today